Eddleston Voices is our village choir which meets on Thursday evenings at 7.30 during term time. We have around 45 members from Eddleston and surrounding areas with new members always welcome. There are no auditions, and you don’t need any prior experience so if you’re interested, come along, have some fun and meet new friends.
The Voices do a number of concerts /events during the year – including singing at the Annual Community Carols Event, carol singing in the Horseshoe Inn and our annual Music for a Summer evening concert
The choir thrived under our first Musical Director Lorraine Mulholland who took a group of enthusiastic volunteers and turned us into a choir. Lorraine was an inspiration to us all and you can see a memorial to her in the Orchard
Following some Covid Zooming thanks to Ian and Anne Rogers, and a re-grouping in the Church under Andrew Henthorn, we’ve recently welcomed our new Musical Director Tricia Harwell. Tricia’s encouragement and teaching abilities shine through and have installed a new enthusiasm in the choir. She is ably assisted by our wonderful accompanist Josie – who brings a wealth of experience to the role.
The choir has an eclectic repertoire – from ABBA to David Bowie and the Beatles and from Les Mis to West Side Story. Tricia also has us warming up to 6 part rounds!
For more info, drop Tricia a note at music.eddleston@gmail.com or just come along on a Thursday
Do you have an event or news item you want included on the website?